Catholic Fundamentalism, a holy alliance.

Ceiling painting of Christ and his apostles

The Church is under unprecedented political attack by the agents of evil.  They have undermined Catholic intellectual foundations from  within and without.

Intellectually, those burrowing from within made excuses for Darwinian theories.  They  distanced people from God by distancing God from people.  In the process, science was idolized.  Those who worshiped the idol called it “reason”, a new name for “vanity”.   Traditional, Catholic faith was mocked and derided.

Politically, those attacking from without were replacing Catholic institutions with those of the state.  Catholic schools were shuttered.  Catholic hospitals were closed.  Catholic social services were have been with government agencies.

Morally, Catholic virtues were besieged by pornography, divorce, birth control, and abortion.  Without faith, confusion grew.  That drove many to drugs.  Rather than working, forming families, and having families, millions ended up being heavily fined, jailed, and marginalized without families or futures.

A new idol appeared.  Many embraced the latest false idol, named  “Separation of Church and state”.  They are in the process of making it illegal for The Church’s remaining institutions to be faithful to Her own teaching.

Now, faithful Protestants are noticing.  “We’re all Catholic, now.”, some have said.  There is a wall, a fortress, that faithful Protestants and Catholics find unassailable.  It is Catholic Fundamentalism, a holy alliance.

Is there a universal, intellectual structure on which we may stand together?  Catholic Fundamentalism is the cohesive, intellectual foundation from which Catholics and Fundamentalists will prevail.

Catholic Fundamentalism, a holy alliance.
